Step-by-step guide on using Raiser crypto launchpad platform

123's Fair Community Offering (FCO) is changing how early crypto investments unite communities around projects they love. Raiser is the only launchpad where you get allocation by promoting and demonstrating knowledge about crypto projects.

Here’s a quick step-by-step tutorial to become an investor with Raiser.

How to register

  1. Go to and click on sign-up now.

  1. Enter your email address, read through the Terms & Conditions, and accept. You will get a verification code sent to your email. Type in the code and click next.

  1. After completing the initial steps, you will end up on the set-up page. In case you have a referral code, this is the place to type it in. If not, click Skip Step.

  1. Next, enter your First and Last names. Click next step.

  1. Connect your Telegram and Twitter accounts. This will not only earn you points but will also allow you to complete more tasks in the FCO.

  1. Once that is complete, connect your wallet using any option that is suitable for you.

How to verify your account

  1. Now you will have to complete the verification process. Firstly, click on start verification.

  1. The first step is a face scan. You can complete it from both desktop, and mobile versions.

  1. Please read the privacy policy, and click on “I accept the terms and conditions”.

  1. Choose an option that is more suitable for you. Once clicked, a pop-up will appear to allow video. Enable video and proceed with the instructions.

  1. Once the first step is complete, click on continue verification.

  1. Select the country in which your document is.

  1. Next, choose your preferred document type.

  1. And continue with the verification process.

Document verification is only available from mobile. Once you click “Scan my document”, a VR code will appear. Scan it from your mobile device and proceed with the instructions.

  1. Congratulations! You have now successfully finished your account set-up. The verification process will take up to 24 hours to complete. Completing the KYC will also earn you a lottery ticket for future FCOs, more on that below. Now, click on finish, and proceed to the dashboard.

How to participate in the FCO

Instead of taking the traditional ICO route, you can get pre-listing access to the Tier-1 projects by being a part of the most engaged users interacting on the Raiser platform. Your ranking is based on your on-chain activity, referrals, participation in educational quizzes, social media tasks, and Twitter promotion.

Here’s how you can participate in the FCO:

  1. Once logged in, you will see the dashboard. Click on “View launch” to find more information about the project.

  1. To participate in the FCO, scroll down to the “Raiser Tasks” section and click “View more tasks”.

  1. Here you will find all the tasks that you can complete, along with your current level. To get an allocation, complete the tasks, and level-up! Each task has a description available.

To navigate through general and project-specific tasks, access the task categories in the Raiser tasks section on the left.

Tasks in progress can be found under the “Active” section. Your completed tasks can be seen under “Completed”.

Lottery Mechanics

We combine a unique system that blends dedication with a dash of luck with our lottery ticket system. Up to 20% of the project sale allocation is reserved for the lucky holders of the lottery tickets. If you want to be one of them, monitor your Raiser dashboard for the special tasks marked with “Lottery tickets.”

My FCOs is your claiming portal

You can find all the information about your FCO progress in the “My FCOs” tab on the left panel, including all your current allocations, and the rounds you’ve participated in. Once the FCO ends, you will be able to claim your tokens here as well.

To conclude, Raiser is the only launchpad where users can get an allocation in Tier-1 early-stage projects by engaging with the community and showing your crypto knowledge. 

Join our growing community on Telegram and Twitter as we redefine the boundaries of crypto investing, one FCO at a time. 


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